Thursday, May 8, 2014

Scandal During State Visit!

March 3, Toronto Canada
On a State tour of Ripley's Aquarium, last Saturday, a junior official of P.R.o.U.27 caught one of her seniors impersonating a PETA spokesfish as "a joke."

Minister of Dawdling, Backtalk and Messy Rooms Erynn Peachey was in line admiring some koi before entering the aquarium facility when she heard a submerged sounding, bubbling voice tell her "Don't go in! PETA will hate you!"

"I can see you in the glass, Jay," Minister Peachey said to Senior Minister of Finance and Excursions Jason Simac, who stood behind her with his hands flapping at the side of his face like gills.

The Scandal once again raised the specter of government mis-representation, reminding people of the great hidden onion incident of early 2013, although in this case public reaction is practically nonexistant.

PETA has declined comment on the Minister's actions, while quietly stating that all koi and fish in general should be extremely concerned about the ethics of the aquarium. The koi who had words put in it's mouth was unconcerned, saying only "I'm swimming!" When pressed, it added "it's food time. I'm swimming."

"It was all in fun, anyway," said Speaker of the House Nicole Bernie.